Faith With Action

Tara had a great day today. She started eating and drinking a bit more, got her blood pressure up, and got up and walked around. Praise God for a good day on the heels of a discouraging one. You have sustained us again today God. Thank you.

I have found it fascinating to occasionally walk the hospital halls people-watching. I notice other patients and consider their situations. My thoughts turn to them and the thousands of other people in cancer treatment here. Each has a story similar to ours; an individual who is facing uncertainty, a painful surgery/treatment schedule, family who are deeply concerned yet trying to cope with the inconvenience of the illness and the burden of the business end of it.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands more hospitalized with other illnesses. And yet more with chronic illnesses not in treatment. And that is just sickness here in Rochester. What about the millions who are sick all over the world? And what about the countless who are impoverished, the widows, the orphans and those who are outcasts both here and worldwide.

James 2:14-26 speaks of the uselessness faith if it doesn’t result in works, or good deeds. Good deeds alone can’t earn you any favor with God because the bible tells us that we have favor with God by grace (undeserved favor) through faith in Jesus Christ. But our faith needs to produce some action expressed to the hurting people around us.

Your faith has expressed itself to us in your caring and encouraging hearts. How can we show our faith to others by meeting needs around us? Wouldn’t it be great if Rochester was not only known for the best medical care in the world, but also for the best physical and spiritual care; Christians who express the love of God for all hurting people? We would love to hear your ideas on how to do this.

18 thoughts on “Faith With Action

  1. Jay,
    Thank you for your diligence in keeping up your blog helping us with the perspectives from the treetops. I love the name.
    I have been on my knees praying for you and the girls and Tara everyday, since I found out at parent teacher conferences on Wednesday night.
    On Tuesday night God laid it on my heart that I need to do more for you. Thank you for placing a tangible spot on your website where we could placing serve. I was ready to jump in the car be Tara’s taxi, substitute teacher, run the sports clinic, make some pbj, clean a bathroom or two. God is greater he is able. I am planning on visiting and serving you,loving you all. You let me know.
    I know you said how I can help. I want you to know the title 1 school I work at with 500 students. last week in their Jar Wars competition for 3 charities raised $1532.19 . Riley’s Children’s Hospital, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and jump rope for heart American Heart Association. We gave all the money away none of it went to our school!!!
    Your direction, not your intention will determine your destination. Praying for direction so that you will meet Gods destination for you that nothing could ever separate you

    Love you, Maiers
    Cousin Amy

  2. So thankful that the surgery went better than expected and that today was better than yesterday. “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

    Sometimes we feel weary and faint physically (as now Tara can attest) and often we feel weary and faint mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Waiting on the Lord can be so hard- praying for you and your family as you wait during this recovery/chemo process.

  3. I think that you had some good thoughts on this the other day. Volunteering is a great way to help others. A couple of years ago, I reconnected with a former student of mine who is now a single mom with 2 special needs children. I offered her a ride to church and later transportation to work on weekends when it’s difficult to get bus service. Sometimes I tire of doing good works, but then I remember that Christ said that when we do this to the least of these, we do it to him. On the days, when I don’t want to get out of bed early to take my friend to work, I remember that God loves both of us the same and she depends on my ride in order to support her children. She can’t afford to lose her job. For a number of years we took in young women who needed temporary housing, for little or no rent. It wasn’t always easy, but it was a growing, teaching experience. If we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and be the hands and feet of Christ to those around us, God will show us what to do. My kids at school pray with me for Tara each day. They take prayer request time very seriously. Sometimes, just doing our job in a way that glorifies God is all He requires. My prayer for myself and for you as well, is that God would clearly show us one day at a time, His will for our lives. Sometimes, that means seeking moment by moment. I love you both and am priviledged to call you my friends. May God continue to heal Tara and unite your hearts together even more strongly in Him.

  4. “Mighty to Save” was in the worship set today, which is my son Josh’s favorite worship song. (Josh and Jenna are in the same class–he has been praying particularly for her through all of this. He is definitely putting himself in her shoes.) Josh doesn’t usually get into the music with his whole self (guess he’s not like his mom!) but when the band started the familiar intro his eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face and that little boy sang his heart out! After church he was still pumped up about his “favorite song of all time” and he told me, “Mom, I sang today for Jenna and for her mom.” God hears the little voices. I know he is hearing all of our voices as together we sing in praise “Savior, You can move the mountains. God You are Mighty to Save, You are Mighty to Save. Forever, author of salvation. You rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave”
    Hallelujah for a great day for you Tara!

  5. We are thinking of you all and praying hard for Tara. We are happy to hear today went better and we will continue to keep you all in our prayers as Tara begins chemo.

  6. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
    I hope with all those who are surrounding you and your family with prayers that there will be many more good days like today.

  7. Fantastic news–and updates, Maiers! While out of reach/touch this week, know we have been praying fervently for your clan and are so encouraged by your notes! Thank you for taking the time to scribe them, amidst a million other things.

    Joshua 1:9
    “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified for The Lord our God is with you, wherever you go!”

    This has been our prayer for you all this week and will remain as we continue to lift you up!

    Now….about your brainstorm….we have been brewing in the same idea pot and can’t wait to share (in person!!!) soon!
    Love you guys!
    The Durgins

  8. Today sounds like a great day in the stock market! Sometimes our healing
    process comes in baby steps! Prayers are
    still coming forth!! Please call if we can help in ANY way!! God is good!!

  9. “If we belong to Christ, it’s logical that everything we have truly belongs to Him. When we give to God, we are just taking our hands off what already belongs to Him.” Quoted from the 40 Days of Generosity.

    What if we had a pipeline into the lives of people going through similar struggles as you all… not necessarily anyone we know, but someone face-to-face with a “battle”. What if we could bless them with the same love, faith and generosity as has been bestowed upon your family? I think it would take a true community effort…Sounds like a challenge we are up for!

  10. Well put Jay. It wasn’t that long ago that I had to make a trip to the local Fort Liberte hospital with Charity after she sliced her arm open on a piece of metal. A few months back half of the building fell down because of poor construction. We were sitting in one room in the part that was still standing with only one light bulb to light the entire hospital. The Doctor who was on duty was attempting to splice the existing wire in order to connect another light. He shocked himself three times in the process!

    Sitting in that room with my crying daughter I thought to myself, “My home town has the best medical facility in the world, and I live in a town that has one of the worst in the world.” I was shortly thereafter reminded that I still have the ability to get out and fly home in case of a major problem. Yet our neighbors, the people we live near and do life with don’t have that opportunity. The reality is that most of the people in our community go untreated and suffer while crying out to God for help.

    The best we can do for now is to work at building quality homes that can withstand the tough elements and provide consistent solar power and clean running water at an affordable price. We are surrounded by a ton of faith and faithful people,but at times we are overwhelmed with the amount of action required to even make a dent. Nevertheless, we push forward knowing that God has gifted us each uniquely and He made us to be people of action who reflect His handiwork.

    We will always treasure the time that we had with you when you brought your entire family to Haiti to encourage us and teach us about how to care for the trees and creation in our community. Know that our family and our neighbors are praying for you as you live out your faith in Rochester. Thank you for being people of great faith backed with action.

    Shane and Kara

  11. I am challenged by your idea stating, “Wouldn’t it be great if Rochester was not only known for the best medical care in the world, but also for the best physical and spiritual care; Christians who express the love of God for all hurting people?” What a God-inspired idea! Love it.

    Praying for Tara and your family.

    “Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee.” Isaiah 43:1-2

  12. Keep it up, Tara! You’re doing well! You just made it around that huge bend. You’re up and walking! Jesus is no longer carrying you. He’s beside you, supporting you. Lean on Him. Your pace may be slower than you’d like right now, but remember that you have a long race ahead. Don’t push yourself too hard now, or you’ll pay for it later. Know, above all, that you are bringing a LOT of glory to God by the way you’re running this race. It is evident to all who are watching. Keep it up, Tara. We’ll be here on the sidelines cheering for you, right through to the finish line.

  13. Thanks for the update. We continue to pray. James truly does challenge whether or not our faith works. Here is an idea or two for you, don’t know if they will work or not, but maybe will help spark a better idea that will make a difference. I have found that so many people outside the local church body do not pray or have people that pray for them. Why not start an impromptu prayer time at your hospital. You could advertise in the coffee shop: meet in the chapel/courtyard…whatever at 10 on Tuesday to pray for our loved ones who are sick. You may only have 1 or 2 that show up but it might become viral, who knows? I’m guessing from some of your replies/posts and from knowing your brother Mark that you are musical. Is there a place where you could sing for those who are also sick? Might your fellow worship team members feel led to do so? No big deal, just simple a capella worship to the King of kings and Lord of lords. What a difference that could make in someone’s life. A couple of simple, free ideas that are just barely outside the box. Hope they lead to something that shows how your faith works for God’s glory!

  14. Jay and Tara,
    You don’t know us but we are new friends of Larry & Nan. You have been in our prayers daily. Jay, thank you for using your skills of communication in writing your daily blog. We are encourged and strengthen by both of you even as we uplift you to our Father in our prayers. This morning at Men’s Bible Study as we are reading thru Revelation, I read:
    Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. Rev. 8:3

    The prayers of many believers are ascending to our Father and Lord Jesus on your behalf.

    Say Hello to Larry and Nan for us. Dave and Sally VanderLeest

  15. Tara you are beautiful. You are infused thru and thru with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit that is so precious to God. I didn’t read the passage aloud today but Job 28:20-end was what I planned. I realize now that this may have been the encouragement Julie and I needed so you and Jay can read it together. It will encourage you too. You radiate the HOPE of The Lord that lives in you!! (Hand squeeze). The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first…Amen

  16. We are continuing to send your family well wishes and loving thoughts. May this week have better days and fewer difficult days so that soon you can all be together for Family Fun Nights!
    Darrel and June Newkirk

  17. 2 Chronicles 16:9 The eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them.

    Tara & Jay, you both have hearts that are perfect toward him, and he truly is showing his great power in helping you both, along with so many others. I have told many of my friends to follow the blog, they have found it to be very uplifting, encouraging and helpful. I would like to personally thank all your amazing church family and friends that have given you and your family so much support, it means the world to us. God has truly blessed the family with all of your help and prayers!

    The Race has only begun, but we were made to be courageous (One of my favorite Casting Crowns songs).

    We were made to be courageous
    We were made to lead the way
    We could be the generation
    That finally breaks the chains
    We were made to be courageous
    We were made to be courageous

    Jay, I also remember sitting waiting for a Dr.’s appointment and looking around and seeing so many others that were going through a similar or even worse situation than myself. I would like to encourage everyone to support the several foundations that contribute to Cancer Research and also to other diseases. Jay, I also like your thoughts on the helping care of spiritual & physical aspects. The mind & body connection are so important in the healing process. I know that Rochester has the ACS Hope Lodge, Ronald McDonald house, etc… maybe there could be a place started where patients could go to get help with lodging, food, physical therapy, child day care, etc… along with a Christian Spiritual support or counseling program. It could also manage a volunteer program to reach out to the thousands of patients in the hospitals that are unable to go to the center or those that may not be able to have family visit.

    God has revealed many things to me since getting news of my baby sister having cancer. One is that I should have been shouting from the mountain tops that Jesus had saved my life, ridding me of cancer by performing another miracle, I believe I did for awhile, but then Satan consumed me with guilt. Guilt that I lived, that God had let me live and so many others in my family had not. This guilt is one of the first things that came to my mind when hearing about Tara’s cancer. In starting immediately to pray to God to heal my sister as he did me and so many others, he revealed that it was not him that was consuming me with the guilt, but it was Satan. Your mental health is as important as your physical health, or even more so. Maybe a Christian based Center could provide that spiritual guide or support to give patients better mental health to fight what sickness they may have, then when they have beaten it, continue to have a sound spiritual health to carry with them through their lives. Zech 4:6 “Not by might nor power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty!

    Thank You God for your great servants

    Love you Tara, Jay, Micalyn, Esther, Andrean, Jenna, & Lewis!

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